Saturday, November 26, 2005

We brought reinforcements

So we went to Notts to play netball and you'd think that this post is all about how we worked our butts off but didn't make it past the group stage, how the level of play has shot through the roof compared to last year, and how the IC teams were the smallest on court.

It could be about how Ben thinks we should start training for next year now and start drinking protein shakes, or that how our new problem isn't finding girls, it's finding big enough girls (not really an issue because our girls are bloody fast, despite Ben's claim that it takes forever to run around the opposition).

No, this year was all about this:

Good eh? I can hear people thinking "kiasuism to its fullest", but it was necessary, if a little ostentatious. We spent a good hour and a half trying to figure out how to put up before the girls arrived. Their bus broke down and I was so worried they weren't going to make it in time, but they arrived, and with PC too, who took one look at the tent and corrected it in five minutes.

Then Ben set up the barbeque pit which was essentially a bucket of coals with a metal grill. Him and his testers (Tom and Weng) then munched through seven burgers and four hotdogs "to see if they were edible" before distributing the rest.

The warmth and shelter had the rest of the teams looking on in envy as they hung around the windswept courts with their frostbitten hands and feet. We had an awesome time (with hot chocolate and hamburgers!) around the barbeque, goofing around as a team on and off the court.

The girls were amazing, and like we said last year, there's always next year!

This wouldn't've been possible without Gwen, our Mother Hen and logistics expert, and Ben, head chef and logistics expert's back up. Gwen put so much effort into planning the day for the girls and Ben pulled an all-nighter to get things together. They are such a phenomenal couple.

And of course to our clean up crew.

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