Wednesday, January 18, 2006

ANOTHER post! *gasp*

Study pressures mounting on me, I can feel the growing urgency and fear of next week. It's not helped by the fact that my flatmates are up till the oddest hours of the night and early morning, going in and out of the kitchen, which I am so fortunate of being next to, waking me from my much needed sleep.

On the brighter side of things, the weather's pretty nice today. It's hit double digits and it's not raining, woohoo.

I'm just passing time til I head to town to buy some much needed groceries to feed me for the coming week. I wish there was a supermarket just down the street *sigh*, like a sainsbury or a tesco. That would make life so convenient. You would think that with all the students that live within this hall of residence, some possible-new-locations-for-our-next-supermarket personnels would identify that opening a branch here can but only guarantee a steady income stream. But then again I guess it's only valid for 7 out of the 12 months a year.

Wish there was more time for the things we need to do. Don't you?

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