Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Lord provided

The last paper of my 3rd year was unbelieveably doable. 16 of the 25 short answer sketches were from 2004 or 2003. I'm hoping this grade's high enough to pull up all the other papers that stunk.

Despite 4 hours of sleep the night before, the euphoria of finishing kept me going through a wonderfully rewarding cell, several games of cards, my third of a bottle of wine, and two games of progressively hilarious Guillotine.

As the seniors wrap up what could possibly be 'the last exam of their life', I'm suddenly struck by how much we owe them and even more by how much I'll miss them. There won't be anybody to go to for help on tutorials, for advice on how to go about projects, about life even, no one to watch football with, or play DoTA with. It sounds so horribly selfish but they were such amazing role models, they enjoyed their time at IC and nailed those grades without so much as a second thought and never turned you down. Next year will feel so lost.

Whatever they do go on to do though, I wish them nothing but the best things. 88 just won't be the same anymore.

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