Friday, July 07, 2006

It's been like so long!

This summer seems less about the work and more about the socialising to be honest. While the job's really important of course, I seem to find myself enjoying the company a whole lot more - the work culture here at HSBC is incredible, and of course being able to see so many old old friends.

It seems I've lost track of the years, so meeting people, especially younger siblings has made me feel really old. I still thought of Loong as the tiny fella with really round glasses and 'left' and 'right' printed on his colorful shoes. He's not so much like that anymore.

Okay, so I guess it's not really a whole bunch of old friends, more like the bunch of family friends who used to torture and torment me at gatherings. Being the only girl, I was easy prey for a dunking in the pool or being ignored on the basketball court. Good times.

Ming, call Wen Hann or Chris for my number. I don't know what your email address is!

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