Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Hello, old friend

You know it's bad when I start blogging again, overwhelmed by the pages of derivations and facts that I have to be able to regurgitate by next week. Algebra is twisted that way, letters that aren't used to form coherent words and flowing sentences as God intended, but are instead forced into a mathematical framework that seemingly has no end or purpose. Nature cries out.

I was so desperate to share this with you that I sat through about a half hour and 15 pages of being redirected as Blogger tried to show me how easy it was to move my account to Google.

I would say I've taken procrastination to a whole new level, but I think Weng has beat me to it. We've further doomed out exam/revision period by starting a three player game of Civ4. Yes, if we're going to fall, we're dragging Cheryl with us.

The building management have kindly decided to erect scaffolding across the entire block, front and back. I think it's a scam. They rent miles of steel pole, several square feet of wood board and plastic sheet, thousands of clamps, and hundreds of manhours of cussing, posturing workmen, and then charge the landlords a margin on top of that for a service provided.

My concentration span is hovering around three minutes at the moment, which means frequent breaks and a growing worry that I won't be able to pull through an entire 3 hour exam - it's a marathon. Surrounded by things like broadband, fast food, 30 second advertisements, high impact workouts, and crash diets, three hours is a lifetime.

Then again, the rest of life seems to be going by far too quickly. How ironic.

Oh, new page layout and Frederick the Hamster has died from negligence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was trying to send you a message on google talk to ask how your studying was coming along. Library connection wasn't co-operating, but at least now I know the answer :)

How's the running? Weather seems to be cooling down and becoming somewhat bearable!

Are we making an event of the CL semi finals? :)