Sunday, January 13, 2008

Let's go again this season, guys?

The skiing was brilliant. If you're on Facebook, which I'm sure you are, our pictures are on there. We're still waiting for Aaron and Young's photos. They've got more action photos because Aaron, being a confident skier, tagged along with Young and I in our significantly less confident group, which meant he had time (and sufficient control) to take out his camera.

We are definitely old now, though. It would have been worse, were it not for my Forest Gump-esque knee guards. By the time we had stopped hurting from the unaccustomed exercise, it was time to head home. We're going to start snowboarding before we get too old.

So that really bad project finally ended the first week of January. I was working on the eve and got straight back to it on the 2nd. I can definitely say I learnt a lot, but I'm undeniably thankful that it's over.

I've started a new project already, although we're technically in week zero and will have another week zero starting Monday. Being on a week zero generally means being tagged to start the project, preliminary prep, and going home by 7pm. Being tagged also saves you from being put on nasty beach work that could potentially keep you in the office late - all the slogging, none of the credit. This job manager totally kicks ass too, it's going to be awesome.

Weng's started his interviews. I can't wait to find out what God has in store for us both this year. Exciting times. I hosted the second batch of first round interviews, which involved a lot of sympathetic nodding and grimacing as candidates filed in and out. I really don't ever want to go back there - interviews, I mean, not hosting, hosting was great.

I also bought a Nespresso machine in somewhat premature anticipation of my bonus. I no longer have to pay extortionate prices for coffee at Starbucks. We calculated that I'd have to drink a cup everyday for 9 months to break even, but I'm well on my way. It does the usual espresso shots, longer coffees, hot water, froths milk for a latte or hot chocolate, and collects the mail. I can make a perfect latte at the touch of a button and, more importantly, clean it at the touch of a button. That was my splurge and my very first appliance.

I've also become obsessed with my iTunes coverflow. After a week of Googling and uploading album covers, I am only at artists beginning with 'R'.

Otherwise, I've been busy adopting other people's flus. My sinus cavities are currently hosting a viral orgy and all I get is dehydration and a chapped nose.

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