Saturday, March 08, 2008

I want to be a zoo keeper

I'm really tired, really, really tired. Short tough projects one after another without enough downtime has run me into the ground, so I called Weng on Monday night and in between gulps of air, told him I was in the wrong job and wanted to be a zoo keeper. He reassured me that I was just going through a rough couple of months, but if I wanted to be a zoo keeper, he would support me, only he said that zoo keeping at Zoo Negara probably wouldn't be ideal. He's always so practical, even more so when I'm throwing a hysterical fit.

So I got back on the horse on Tuesday, we watched Man Utd host Lyon that night, so that helped a little. Wednesday and Thursday were generally getting better, then Friday hit with a really nasty cold. It just doesn't end.

Basically I was asked to go back to Manchester this week to support the other team until their project ends. My total contribution was largely negative this week - Monday was wiped out by having to take the 6.20am train after really shit week and Friday was spent fighting through cobwebs and cotton wool to form a coherent thought. I feel for the job manager.

1 comment:

The Ruud said...

happy birthday zookeeper