Friday, May 16, 2008

Everyday should be a Friday

Now that I've finally stopped procrastinating on getting things in line for the International Firm Day weekend (but only because I was procrastinating on something even worse and it wasn't studying), I'm excited.

I'm also thinking about all the summer wear I get to buy in anticipation of Spanish sunshine. Weng would probably read this and roll his eyes, because my shopping success rate is something like 5%., which doesn't make for highly efficient time use. Knowing my luck though, the rains will come rolling in that weekend, effectively ending the drought and any hopes of a tan.

On the topic of spending scary amounts of money, it's a toss up between a tote that'll hold my laptop and everything else I need or a Wii. I haven't found a bag that doesn't look like it doubles up as a windbreak or costs less than my conscience allows. Weng might have a hard time sharing the Wii considering his current savings strategy is to put 70% of his pay away, and Cheryl owes money if anything.

Cheryl has reached all new lows: stressing about not stressing. Being a student is pretty overrated at times.

Anyway, I'm off to happy hour. 15 minutes late, the wine isn't going to drink itself!

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