Saturday, November 05, 2005

Sixteen hours nonstop

CJ's birthday was yesterday, so there was a bit of a gathering last night after they got back from dinner, where we Taboo-ed until about half eleven and then started dota-ing at 2am (officially) to finish at quarter to four. It took us a good two hours to sort out connection problems because the router seemed to be acting up a little. It was great though, but that session coupled with a three hour stint earlier in the afternoon has just about used up all of my allocated game time for the weekend. It's work from here on in.

Then there was netball practice this morning on about five and a half hours of sleep. I really hope we get to put together a second team, it would be a shame to waste so much enthusiasm.

According to Rudy, I'm a wannabe-novelist, so I'll stop trying to get my life published for now. I need a nap anyway.


The Ruud said...

she's figured out how to link me!

Ash said...

i found out a long time ago, you pseudo-novelist-attention-seeker. Ah hypocrisy. ;)