Monday, August 28, 2006

And so it's come

It's my last week. At the beginning, I never thought I'd get this far, but it's been a fast and furious time here.

The various social abilities, such as talking to non-engineers, have come back to me. It was a painful journey undoing all that which Mechanical Engineering has done in the last 3 years with regards to my social skill set. I can safely say that the number of "What the hell are you talking about?" looks have dropped significantly.

This sense of loyalty is running so deep that I know when I start my job applications, a little part of me is going to twist in agony when I suck up to the other firms.

I still have so much shopping to do here though. You better book quickly, my dinner slots are filling up fast.

My most used word of the ten weeks here: pending. My favorite word of the ten weeks here: Friday.

It's been great, but I miss my dog.

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