Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The exit light's already way behind me, ladies and gentlemen

Are you as surprised as I am? Statistics has relased me from its enthralling grasp for a moment long enough to assure people that they have not heard the last of me yet.

I wonder if convicts lead a more well-rounded life than we have in the last week. The entire building is deathly quiet (a cunning pun there, did you see? Exams, death, haha). Exercise, pah, what exercise? Sunlight? Only hurts my eyes. We are forced to go outside when the food runs out.

As you can see my communication skills have taken quite a hit, as well as my ability to put together complete sentences. That's what a month of note-making does to you. Point form, don't waste words, paper, time. Anyhow, fluid mechanics doesn't talk back, even if it did, it wouldn't be speaking English at any rate.

Artemis Fowl rocks. I want to be like Captain Short!

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