Tuesday, May 23, 2006

15 minutes later...

As he approched it, treading with a heavy heart and holding on to a glimmer of hope, he picked it up. Looking it over with a sense of sadness, he gingerly flicked the switch up, hoping for a miracle.


A steady but weak hum penetrated the silence of the room. It had come back from the dead!

=D haha, my shaver's back! It works, omg! No more bleak caveman days ahead of me or the fear of manual razors. Sadly though, it has advanced to the third stage of 'shaver cancer'. It no longer emits a light indicating it's charging. I guess the poor thing only needed to be on life support for a lil bit longer than normal.

I'm wondering now, just whether there is another stage to go to, or the next one will be 'the one'. Come on, three more weeks left only!


Anonymous said...

i approched perdy today and she rolled over then she got up and approched her treat then she picked the treat up in her mouth and approched the pillows where she hid it. but then dad approched the pillows and lay down only to find the treat under the pillow. then bryan approched the scene and soon he noticed the treat and he approched this entire ordeal with a hearty snigger.


ashley i can't believe you didn't see it.

Anonymous said...

theres an A in approached