Saturday, February 18, 2006

I'm hopeful, I trust

It's been quiet like anything on here.

It takes a lot to stop and look at where you're at in the year, in the term, and fight the urge to just carry on plodding through as the days slip past you. Suddenly we're in the middle of the term, five weeks or so from the end of year 3, not counting the exams that start immediately after the Easter break.

I have a lot of be thankful for. I'm enjoying this year so much more than last. They were right, it doesn't get any easier, you just get used to it. I've got wonderful housemates, a good bunch of teammates in school and out of, and Weng's been absolutely vital in away-from-home support through the last few months.

I only just shook off a two-week long, suffocating sense of depression on Sunday. Got my hair cut quite short - it's such a relief and so much easier to wash. It's amazing what a haircut can do for you. I feel so much more energetic and the curls were starting to get patchy anyway. Weng kindly 'gave up' his Sunday appointment so I could look neat for Tuesday's interview. Sunday was also the first time in two weeks that we were able to make it to church, so I can definitely say that God had a hand in giving me back some strength and positivity.

I'm really wary about talking about interviews. I don't want to jinx them and I'm far from confident. After putting so much time and effort into the application and the first round interview, it's horribly demoralising to come away from it with nothing.

But no matter, we'll see what the week brings.

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