Monday, June 26, 2006

I'm melting

Because I don't get out much, I have a lot to say when I finally do.

This morning was probably the worst "first day" I've had in a long time, besides primary 1 when my mom left and the first day of A levels when everyone was staring at my strapped knee and crutches.

I stepped out of the house, dressed to kill, and then died of dehydration on the way to the bus stop. My carefully applied makeup and neatly pressed clothes (thanks to my aunt) felt like a soggy mess. Sat on the bus for an hour, which gave me enough time to dry up but left me at Plaza Singapura five minutes late, only to then find out that I was in the wrong place, which made me even later.

Fortunately all the managers and officers I've met at HSBC are so unbelieveably friendly and patient. My fellow interns, at least the Atrium gang have been so accommodating and welcoming - I've yet to meet the Collyer Quay group, or as they say the "Kolicky Gang" (it took me two hours to figure out what they were talking about), but that should be fun.

My feet are killing me. It's like that feeling when you stick your finger in the top of a bottle and it swells and turns purple and then you wonder whether you're going to lose your digit, only then try standing on two of those.

I'm so tired. I was desperate for a coffee. I've never been desperate for a coffee. My 20cent cup got me through the whole afternoon. Good stuff.

But you know what is even better, coming back to the energy of two furballs, my entertaining 2 year old cousin, and my grandma's mouthwatering cooking. So good.

I miss everyone at home so much though. I think I'd be less tired packing. My contact lenses have transferred themselves to the inside of my eyelids.

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