Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Up the mountain, down the mountain

We went running today on the hill in Taman Tun. 'Running' was a little over ambitious, we ended up walking most of the narrow tarmac road as it wound through the rainforrested hill.

The whole forty minutes or so was very much based on the motto 'What goes down, must come up'; my thighs welcomed the downhills, but my mind was very much focused on the fact that there would be another uphill bit soon after. I think my body was also a little overwhelmed by the sheer volume of fresh air and oxygen.

Mr. "I'm so fit, prepare to lose" couldn't keep up with us or many of the groups of aunties that passed him, and we lost him around a few bends, so Mum kept calling his name really loudly to try and get him to walk faster. The whole hill and all of its daily walkers now know who Bryan is.

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