Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Being home is bliss. The good food, clean house, comfortable bed, and loved ones all around more than makes up for the chores. I don't have to worry about what to eat next, and we haven't had to so much as look at soy sauce chicken, leeks and chicken, oven chicken, or steamed egg. Thank goodness.

Popped down to Singapore last week, just as the flu was setting in. I must've passed it to at least the half of the country that crammed themselves into Orchard Rd. The new things I bought distracted me sufficiently though, so all was well in the end I suppose.

Other than that, it's mostly been a flurry of important things like facials, food, threading, food, pedicures, food, and yoga to counter the eating. Oh, there was also the small issue of finalising things for our place next year. Weng and Cheryl managed to secure one in the last week they were there, which is excellent news and buys me another week of home time.

I want to stay here forever though.

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