Monday, July 09, 2007


There is a reason that one of my yoga classes is quite simply called "Hot". They close all the windows and the door and turn on the heaters, then you proceed to do a series of poses where you're completely distracted from the pain by the rivers that course down your face and gush off the tip of your nose. Some poses are impossible because you just cannot get a grip on the sweat-slicked limb(s) involved.

I also got a new baby. A beautiful Canon IXUS 850. I haven't been this thrilled with a camera since my last IXUS that took a walk somewhere between Southampton and South Kensington three years ago. I'm going to guard this one with my life. Given my rather limited photography talent, I love how you can just point and shoot with this camera and the picture quality is amazing.

I finally have an excuse to put up pictures. Here's half the youth from CBC - there are so many of us now, it's fantastic.

After lunch on Sunday there was torrential rainfall, so much so that Joel commented that our church was now waterfront property, blessed by a raging river flowing down the hill on it's right.

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