Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I just don't understand

How can someone who goes to church every week, has been baptised no less, and calls himself a Christian turn his back on the very thing he is supposed to uphold and lie to his parents? Let's not talk about the fact that the lie was about skipping class (again). His completely hypocritical actions make me sick to my stomach.

We stood in line wondering if we should go to the trouble of buying him and his friends movie tickets because that was where he was supposed to be after school, instead of at a cyber cafe during class. We thought of calling but checked the time and thought he would be in class and therefore not a good idea to distract him. The fact that Mum even let him go out on a school day is something we would never have even dared ask for.

Fine, we can sympathise - it's hard for a boy to grow up with two older sisters, so the special dispension he's been getting his whole life maybe makes up for that. Like the way he was given RM400 the very same morning to buy an iPod Nano, while Cheryl still hangs onto her disc player; or the way he's already thinking about replacing his six month old phone, and I'm still clinging to my four-year-old Nokia that sparks exclamations of surprise that anyone even still has that model.

It's not as if he works outside of school hours and let's not talk about the huge amounts of grief he caused us by spending more time on WoW than actually studying during his last exam session. His grades aren't stellar, although he certainly doesn't lack for brains. He's the sort who thinks he can pass math without lifting a finger outside class to practice. He has to sit through hours of tuition so someone can babysit him, at the age of seventeen, and makes sure that he studies some. Computer every night for four hours is apparently not enough, although we were barely allowed two hours during our A levels, he cuts class without flinching to go to a cyber cafe despite repeated promises never to go again during term time.

When Mum was interrogating him this afternoon, I could not for the life of me think why she would keep on asking the same questions. I wanted to jump in and stop her. Obviously she knows her son better. Lies. All lies. His empty promises amount to nothing.

How can one boy showered by so much love and generosity do this? We've been taken for fools, the leniency we show him only gave him a chance to take advantage of us. The betrayal is intense. It felt like I've been sucker punched, flooded by waves and waves of disappointment. The glimmer of hope I hang onto that he's finally grown up gets slimmer and more distant every time. I can only imagine what Mum is going through.I don't know what to think of him anymore.


Unknown said...

You know, somehow i feel your brother and i had something in common when i was at that age..

maybe its just our name, maybe its what most guys do nowadays.

but it was always because of my peers that i did the things i did, perhaps there are lots of things to blame and lots of people.

but looking at the way you feel, you've already done your best, and looking at your dissapointment, you still care.

give him some time, 17-20 is where we learn from our mistakes more than any other age. Give your mom some credit too, she raised 2 good girls didn't she? :)

Ash said...

I suppose as long as someone out there understands

Unknown said...

check your friendster my dear...