Thursday, March 02, 2006

I miss my mom's cooking

I feel sick.

Not because I'm down with some medical illness but because I just had a really salty take-away dinner. I miss my mom and her cooking *sigh*. I don't think we fully realise just how much time and effort goes into cooking a decent dinner until you live by yourself; well at least for me, cos I didn't do any cooking prior to the UK. It's so hard to cook something nice or often barely edible without leaving 3 servings worth of leftovers. It's a gamble. Every single one of my dishes taste the same.

Cooking for one person is tough.

Also you can't exactly recreate certain dishes here cos of all the time constraints that we face (which I strongly feel would be significantly less if I had a car) or the fact that we just can't get those stuff here - like tiger prawns.

I miss my teh ping. I'm addicted on that stuff. Going from 3 times a week to zilch for 3 months is torture and paying GBP1.50 at Mawar for a glass does make me feel slightly better but only for a very short time before I start to get withdrawal symptoms. Good thing it's that price - it keeps me away just long enough till I can go home. (I've only had it once)

The luxury of home-cooked food. Won't know what you're missing till you're actually missing it.

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