Thursday, March 02, 2006

There were the ups and then there were the downs

My sister's finally completely disillusioned with the prospect of driving. I think she lasted longer than I did, and I fully sympathize, 3.00pm is always awkward.

Sheer stupidity on my part put an extra week in February, giving me a false sense of comfort that was quickly dispelled on Tuesday when that entire extra week disappeared with the realisation that March started on Wednesday. It was like God took a pair of scissors and snipped 168 extremely valuable hours (valuable, not productive, there's a difference) out of my life and my sanity, bringing a whole barrage of tests and deadlines crashing into each other in a catastrophic panic.

Among the tasks that I have to complete in the next two weeks are:
  1. Italian coursework
  2. MSD progress test
  3. Stats coursework
  4. London Games
  5. About 4 backlogged weeks of MSD tutorials
  6. 72 skirt panels for the hoverboard
  7. Italian finals
  8. Eating 6 Krispy Kreme donuts before the ants do - considering they're up by about 1 billion individuals, the odds are somewhere in that region too
The coursework is most definitely going to be among my most pleasurable tasks, but somehow we soldier through.

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