Tuesday, March 21, 2006

My absence was not exciting

The prospect of finishing level 1 Italian for good was one I looked forward to with more enthusiasm than my fast approaching birthday.

Now it's finally over and my brain no longer feels saturated with verbs, the language is actually coming more easily to me, certainly more easily than during my oral, where finding the right gender, the right pronoun, the right whatever was like grabbing mist, all on top of having to fight off the random urge to alternate my answers in Malay and Mandarin.

Anyhow, it's over, and now that I have the time to do anything I absolutely want, I am completely and utterly deprived of entertainment. The Commonwealth Games' reruns feature some of the most boring sports tonight not to mention a looped episode that features 5 commentators analysing and reanalysing each one of Britain's athletic golds. Weng took his Civ4 back to Southampton with him, and the House detox regimen has to be handled carefully with only two episodes left for me to work around.

I guess I could study for the finals.

Oh, thank you so much Ah Yi, for the e-card (isn't my aunt cool, she's so up to date with technology), and for the birthday wishes from Rudy and later Cheryl, who pointed out that I am technically 21 on account of timezones.

But yea, in case you haven't figured it out yet, I'm 21 tomorrow. Yes Tish, tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Ash, so u caught on to me that I've been keeping up with u thru your blogs. Yeah well don't mind me as this is THE only way for me to keep track of my favourite niece.....yes u're still on the list!!:)
Anyway I know that u've enjoyed your 21st birthday and u'll have a special present waiting for u in August...on the condition that u come visit us in Singapore (blackmail! i know) but so what if i get to see u. I miss u and i love u.
Happy Birthday, sweetie!