Friday, March 31, 2006

Civ4: Just when it couldn't get any better

When the last Friday of the Easter term rolled around, we grabbed it with as much enthusiasm as the ones that flew back home to their loved ones. I promised myself three days of nothing but R&R, anticipating long walks in the park, a visit to Borough Market, and lots of sleep.

Then Civ 4 started, and before I knew it, it was Tuesday morning with the break over and the studying timetabled to start. We had spent the last three days block booking Weng's computer in turns to finish our solo Civ missions in stretches of 6 hours. His poor Vaio hummed away 16 hours a day under our urgent clicks and much practised keyboard shortcuts.

Fast forward to Wednesday night, we were still pretty much in the same position, only managing to squeeze studying in between the Civ time slots, promising myself that once I win this campaign, I'm going to stop. No seriously. I will stop.

And then we found Multiplayer Mode: Hot Seat. Mg, just when we thought it couldn't get any better, now we get the chance to play against each other. So that's where we're at now, completely devoid of social contact for almost a whole week.

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