Friday, December 02, 2005

Onion soup

This is the third New Covent Garden soup we've tried and all I can say is that they should pay their marketing department more.

Our Best Chicken tastes like Wild Mushroom which tastes like Smoked Haddock Chowder, which isn't any of the above flavours, but is infact onion and potato. The entire New Covent Garden soup line is based on a sort of potato and milk mush infused with essence of onion that's then tinted accordingly, and if there's any sort of meat mentioned in the title, a nondescript fibre is added, not unlike chicken that's been boiled to death and then kept for several months. This is all then packaged in cheery cardboard containers that have most of the English completely and utterly fooled, including Weng, who swears they all taste different.

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