The first week's been easy but long. I've been mildly stressing about my 3rd year projects but now that they're settled I feel relieved. Thankfully I managed to get the titles I wanted and I look really forward to working with my hover-board team.
Now I need to think about my option courses. Fluid mechanics is at the bottom of the list above C++ and microprocessers only because it's taught in English, even if just barely. I'm hoping the rest of the courses work out so I won't have to do it.
I really cannot wait for my language classes to start, and whether or not I get a place in project management is still uncertain, but it's that or politics.
Okay, I'm done boring you with 3rd year Mech Eng. I do have a good story though, about Weng and squirrels (again).
Weng's still harboring a slight phobia from when a squirrel assaulted him in the first year, so I have to admit I was feeling a little uneasy when we sat down with our lunch in Kensington Gardens only to be greeted by seven or eight inquisitive squirrels and pigeons that converged on our bench. The pigeons lost interest pretty quickly but several squirrels felt it necessary to climb onto the back of the bench to get a better look at what we were eating.
When they saw no food was being volunteered, they quickly shifted their attention to a huddle of tourists that were sharing their bag of Cheetos. Squirrels love Cheetos and gladly obliged when they were encouraged to climb up the tourists' legs to get the proffered kernel.
Weng was not so happy when the tourists left and one enterprising squirrel tried to pull the same trick on him in hopes of something yummy. So there we were being intimidated by a squirrel who had launched itself onto Weng's knee and was chittering a demand for some of his bento.
Thankfully the squirrel left before Weng had to take action i.e. swat the poor animal, which I'm glad he didn't because it might've got messy had the squirrel decided to call in other squirrelly reinforcements.
Kensington Gardens is a beautiful park in the classy Kensington area with award-winning greenery and serene paths, an oasis of peace in the middle of a bustling city. It boasts a lake frequented by swans, rolling lawns, and a petting zoo of vermin.
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