Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I could use a little fuel myself

There are quite a few courses to choose from this year but since I'm crap at programming, half of them have been effectively eliminated.

Guillotine has finally come (yay Royal Post) but none of the furniture or appliances we were promised by the flat manager (boo flat manager). Our neighbours across the hall have kindly let us borrow their washing machine.

Year 3 is pretty much clicking into place as classes get pinned down and timetables and projects get sorted out.

I'm so tired from all the running around and there are still so many more things to do. With what little energy there is spent dashing to and fro there's even less for my brain to run on so I've spent the last few days stoning heavily.

Weng and I have been trying to play DotA against the computer but the two of us can't even take out a single A.I. hero on normal.

I gotta head out again. Mg, so tired.

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