Got home from Southampton today, and for all its wailing sirens and grubby sidewalks, I've really missed London. The few days out were good though, I got to catch up on a lot of work - don't know how much more I've got though, I'll probably find out tomorrow.
Had a wonderfully improvised steamboat dinner last night, stuffed ourselves until we were bursting at the seams, so today'll be a very simple meal as soon as we can be bothered to go to Sains. After two and a half hours of travelling, I'm too tired to move. I don't know how Weng does this every week.
Day one of the deception has started. Darren's carefully moved out - the house looks and feels kinda empty. Fong May's stressing out quite a bit, the last I heard, but I'm sure it should go fine. They're only here for two days or so.
Darkthrone's been absorbed into the daily routine now. It's called up an incredible amount of ingenuity in terms of managing 350 clicks a day without getting carpal tunnel, resource management, and profit maximisation.
Back to school tomorrow.
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