Monday, February 14, 2005


Oh man, Monday has completely wiped me out. I'm so glad Weng stayed on so I had someone to come home to, especially on Valentine's. I know I was a little cranky, but after three hours of completely useless lab work (it could've been done in two, max) I was so ready to bite anyone's head off. Ended up apologizing to Weng over and over again. I'll apologize some more later +winkwink+ lol.

It's been a quiet evening of the best kind I think. Dinner, ice cream, and three episodes of Desperate Housewives back to back. Ideal.

Tish sent me a bit of an economics paper that was written in the most blah language ever. It takes so much effort remembering and understanding each word that whole sentences mean absolutely jack by the time you get to the fullstop. I'm glad us engineers deal in Greek symbols, I don't think I can handle such massive vocab. Numbers are a much more efficient way of saving valuable memory.

Also, if you've noticed, the Anti-Ash is back, and it's starting to get interesting again, but I really don't know who she's referring to. Absolutely clueless and totally curious too. Please, I beg of you, enlighten me.

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