Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Lunch with Rudy was great. After so many years, he's still got such a beautiful face. Pity about the hair though. Lol.

I can only hold wit slanging matches online because it gives me time to think. At lunch yesterday I was reduced to "shut up" and "whatever". Oh the shame. But I do have a shiny 50p piece sitting in my wallet, so I guess we know who won in the end.

I really suck at DoTA still. I need to research a character and figure out the best way to play that particular character. Sneaky ambushers. Grr.

I took my suitcase out this morning and my dog saw and she got very upset. I think she's still sitting in the spare room glaring at it.

I managed to get my hands on music score software, thanks to my brother. I should've known you'd be able to get it here. Malaysian pirates will copy anything and everything if there's a hint of profit.

1 comment:

The Ruud said...

don't spend it all in once place. i'll sign it for you next time =)