Monday, September 05, 2005

Badly traumatized and in abject misery

It was awful. I let them talk me into giving it a shot. How bad could it be? they said, Go on, try take it out under local.

I lay there underneath the operating sheet trembling, trying to be brave but ended up having a complete breakdown once the drill started to whirr away inside my head. The dentist shot me full of anaesthetic but it didn't seem to be working well enough for him to continue.

I've always reacted strangely to anaesthetic. I remember one doctor having to give me three or four times the usual amount to fix a dislocated finger, and another panicking slighty when I came round half way through another op. This was no different, and the needle soon became a regular instrument in my mouth. The dentist's response? Hmm, interesting. It was already wearing off as soon as he was closing up the wound, and the sturturing stung but I was too exhausted to care.

Apart from the frequent interruptions because I was hysterical, the dentist was also having problems removing the tooth because I had an "interesting root pattern" - whatever that means. He had to remove the root in teenyweeny pieces, it just refused to come out quickly.

And now I'm on two kinds of painkillers that don't seem to be working either. My left jaw is incredibly sore and I'm feeling the full side-effects of the pills that include nausea and dizzyness.

So the other three wisdom teeth are due to come out under general in about ten days' time. I'm a right picture of misery and I can't even eat to make myself feel better. Had it been any other body part, I'd be walloping scoops and scoops of icecream right now, but I can barely manage sips of juice. Urgh, gotta go lie down.


The Ruud said...

you'd never get through childbirth

Ash said...

you wouldn't either.

i'll cross that mind-numbing chasm when i get to it.