Friday, December 24, 2004

Christmas Eve update

I'm sorry I haven't been posting with my usual fervency, Weng and I have been playing Rome for the past three days, taking turns to conquer as much as we can in two hour slots. It's not as bad as it sounds. When I've been forcefully wrenched from the computer after my time's up, I go straight to work before kicking Weng off two hours later. He, on the otherhand, plays for two hours, then watches me play for another two hours.

You can see why girls are so much better at handling addictions, we can switch right on and off so that we're not totally incapacitated by a game 24/7. (I'm taking up his precious Rome time right now.)

Anyhow, you can probably imagine that by one thirty in the morning, it's an effort for him to uncross his eyes, so we go to bed, only to start the vicious cycle all over again 10 hours later.

Oh, except for today, when we managed to make it past Sainsbury's and actually do some Christmas shopping. Lasted all of four and a half hours before Rome withdrawal symptoms (RWS) kicked in.

Okay, I have to go, I'm being whinged at for taking up his precious Rome time...

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