I think that the best Pringles flavour ever invented is Sour Cream n Onion. It's such a classic, but while it's all good for breakfast and everything, the breath it leaves you with is enough to make sure that you'll be walking alone for a while or at the very least not talking. People might even ask you to refrain from breathing...
So anyway, I've spent the morning surfing, blogging, in the shower, eating, and blogging, oh, and also dodging the guilt of skipping class and not working. I hate that my Jimminey Cricket comes with a sledgehammer instead of an umbrella.
I feel like watching a cartoon. Weng's Winamp has hit the Disney tracks. Haven't had the chance to see any new ones lately, but right now The Emperor's New Groove would just about hit the spot. Still can't wait to see The Incredibles...
Ah bugger, I knew it's never a good idea talking to Tom +lol+, our conversations always leave me with more work to do, or at least the threat of another deadline. It seems that while our pump designs (and ours is all wrong) are being approved and CNC-d, they've decided to give us another group project due the third week of next term on swing bridges (what are swing bridges?) just to keep us occupied. Like there's not enough work as it is. +Grr+
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