Friday, July 29, 2005

Half spun

Pills reflect much of the world today. We want it bigger, better, faster. We need pills that'll have us back on our feet in no time at all so we can cope with the demands of our day to day lives. And they work.

They provide an artificial sense of wellbeing for that 4-6 hours as printed on the side of the bottle, but like all things artificial, the feeling of being better is about 5mm deep. Good enough to fool everyone standing outside your personal space, but inside you're moping in bed with that general manky aura that comes with feeling ill.

Take me for instance. One effervescent vitamin C tablet, one green echinacea pill, two strepsils, two panadols, and a cold pill, and I can stand in the mirror and look normal, completely unlike the snivelling troll thirty minutes ago. But I can totally feel that snivelling troll lurking beneath the surface, threatening to break through at the slightest crack in my barricade of supplements.


Okay, that issue was really going somewhere. It was going to be a inspired article about how the medicine today reflects our society in its demands and temporary fixes, but I seem to have lost it.

I want to get better faster!

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