He holds the extremely pivotal roles of my brother and Captain Obvious's sidekick. Likes to sing made up songs about how much Cheryl sucks - they're highly entertaining up to the end of the first three lines, afterwhich something's usually thrown at him or he is thrown out. What Cheryl lost in height...well it obviously went to him. He stands at about six feet, which is pretty tall for a fourteen year old, and would make an awesome basketballer if he could play basketball in the first place. He's one of those people you get really frustrated at because he has such obvious musical talent but puts it to use singing dumb made up songs, and would be a math genius if he didnt spend all of it on calculating angles and trajectories in Gunbound. He used to be pushed around a lot, but then he suddenly got a whole lot smarter - damn the media...jk. That's my brother, and against all obvious reason, I love him.
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