Thursday, August 19, 2004

Ode to my sister

I'd like to introduce you to my sister because being the person that she is, wouldn't stay out of the picture for very long. I'd post a photo, but if I took one of her, she'd crack the lens (no, kidding, I just haven't figured out how to yet). She's really sixteen, but about 87 in terms of cynicism. She's short, but people say we look like twins - I say they're blind. She likes reading, playing computer games, and talking. When I say talking, I really mean talking; if talking were an Olympic event, she'd take gold in word-vomit and most-inopportune-time-to-start-talking. However, blood is in fact thicker than water, and she's stuck by me most of the time, when she's not getting me into trouble that is or making me feel stupid. Like today, you Foglart's reject! +lol+

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