Do you know how irritating it is whenever you're on a long journey, whether it's half an hour or 13 hours, and you think of grabbing a nap, but you can never settle until it's the last hour or the last three turns, by which time you've just barely hit the 'sleep zone' and it's time to move again?
My contacts are drier than a camel's ars...backside and my eyelids feel like lead. Liverpool lost last night, to Bolton of all teams - why can't they ever get it right? I didn't watch it, butI bet it was because of the refereeing, it's always because of the refereeing.
Other weekend sport consisted mainly of +surprise+ the Olympics. My dad's usually quite quiet, happy to sit there and just watch their SIX CHANNELS (that's bloody unfair, I tell you) of LIVE Olympic coverage, but he had a lot to say yesterday:
"Rhythmic gymnastics is not an Olympic sport, and neither is sychronised swimming. They might as well introduce jazz, ballet, and cheerleading. You watch, by the Beijing Olympics, cheerleading'll be an Olympic sport."
Frankly, I wouldn't see many guys protesting at that inclusion - they'd probably get seven channels and devote one entirely to the cheerleading prelims and finals. I think they should get rid of the equestrian event (horses aren't real), Greco-roman wrestling (far too much action there), and the throwing events (since they're going to throw the whole bunch of them out on doping charges anyway - you just don't get that big on training only).
And can someone clear something up for me? Apparently this is the first year that the OIC are formally recognising transsexual athletes. What does this imply? "And next, we have the women's 1500m, the men's 200m, and the transsexual shotput"? (I swear that the female throwers have more facial hair than their male counterparts.) It's not that I'm against people who feel trapped in the body of the wrong sex, it's just that isn't it a little unfair on like...oh wait, what am I saying, they're all drugged up anyway. No difference there.
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