Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Farewell Soton, I will miss you

Weng's exams end tomorrow and the conclusion of second year for him brings about another wave of hectic packing and moving and more packing as we rush to finish a Herculean list of errands and get back to London by Thursday night (which means, Tish, we're up for strawberry picking on Friday! I convinced the cranky monkey).

Since we won't be back here for a while (til next term, hopefully) here's a quick run down of Southampton.

Things I like about Southampton:
  1. Beautiful flowers and green green trees. There's something so wonderfully serene about a place which has rooftops poking out of a sea of green instead of the other way around.
  2. You can't hear traffic or ambulances or police cars. I wonder where all those screaming vehicles go to when they rush around London like that.
  3. I love seeing the cruise ships on the horizon, especially when they announce their departure with their blaring horns.
  4. Friendly people not too caught up in their own lives to smile and nod.
  5. There's fresh air - your boogers don't turn black.
  6. The girls here are refreshingly real - not too much make up, not trendily anorexic, happy to go about uni in their jumpers and trainers.
Things I'm don't really like about Southampton:
  1. The way Weng's toilet floor seems to be gently cone shaped and if you're not careful you'll find yourself losing purchase in a slow slide into the drain of doom.
  2. The buses don't seem to be on time, and the bus drivers think they're dragsters.
  3. Too much FM can make you go crazy
  4. Weng lives at the top of the tallest tower (fourth floor) with no lift.
  5. The laundry room's the other side of the compound.
  6. It's a lot colder and damper here
  7. It's too far away from London

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