Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Shooting from the hip

Almost all of the songs on my playlist go something like "You left me, I'm so lonely" or "Come back to me, what am I going to do without you". So depressing, but it goes to show that sorrow and loss are some of the hardest things we have to deal with, significant enough that 76% of all songs involve losing someone and wanting them back. That's some tough shit.

On a lighter note, Evan and Tish are having a photo competition. We were talking about it last night, or rather, they were talking about it. It started like this:

E: hey ash dont u think we shold have a photography competition. me and tish? just for a bit of fun. Shes not there it seems
T: i need chocolate. i dun think ash is there u eediot
E: thats just what i said u eediot

And it quickly degenerated into this:

T: Why you so confrontational tonoight?
E: hahaha I want to fight.
T: (Insert hugging icons)
E: No lar

A few lines later:

E: But you take some good pictures man
T: Oo, butter me up then batter me up
E: Batter u? Shaddup, the only good pictures I take are of myself
T: Oh dear
E: hahaha it's true. im too sexy for my camera too sexy for my camera...im toooooo seeeeexxxxxxyyyyyyyy. people cry when they see me, i'm blindingly sexy

It seems I didn't come back soon enough:

T: Horny eediot
E: hehe, I'm running high on something and I don't think its sugar, must be testosterone. ROOOOAAARRRRR
T: go exhaust ur testosteronies on someone else

When I stopped laughing enough to type, I stepped in and rescued the conversation with:

A: wow.

The rest is no where as near as interesting, just establishing some of the finer points of the competition like um, subject. There was a bit of a problem because the first suggestion was a red flower, which Evan claimed he'd struggle to find because, I'm guessing, they don't have red flowers in Yokk? I dunno, so I changed it to street, which meant Tish would have a slight disadvantage since he lives in the woods.

I can't wait to see what they come up with. I love these guys.

(Hey guys, Weng suggested 'females', and relatives not allowed, so that'll be your next topic. +winkwink+ hehe, I'll give you more than a couple of days.)

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