Tuesday, November 22, 2005

A creature of habit

We have a match tomorrow against LSE 4ths or 5ths, I can't remember which, but the fact that they have enough girls to make 4 or 5 teams and still be 2nd in the table is quite intimidating. It was good seeing most of the girls turn up to training this week and we were rewarded with quite a long time on court because most of the seconds didn't show, and as if my face is not flat enough, I tried to catch the ball with my eye socket twice, once on the left, once on the right. In my defence, it was dark. My face still hurts though.

The boys brought in our very first prototype. Charlie had improvised a lot past the basic structure that we had agreed to test, and we spent most of the meeting ripping the improvisations off and altering parts of it, but I'm glad to say that the cardboard hoverboard actually works. Now we need to refine the calculations, build a second prototype to a higer quality, and start putting performance graphs together. Piece of cake.

After dinner, Jeftor came up to sit with us for a bit where we invited him to play bridge with us and impart some of his knowledge and skill. After the first round (which he wins), he goes, "This isn't bridge." Rofl. Bridge never plays secret partners, only a random variation called Whist or something. He thinks it's a Singaporean export. I wouldn't be surprised.

I know why I didn't feel so cold out there tonight, my ass has just started to dethaw. Ouch.

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