Wednesday, November 23, 2005


The older you get, the less perfect parents get, but the more you love them for who they are and what they've done for you. They stop being just figures of authority and security, and they become actual people. You can call their bluff and they always know when to call yours but still love you anyway, and so you start to appreciate them a lot more. Just a thought.

How coincidental, Weng and I were just talking about internet users and how some of them seem to be bored, bitter cowards who like nothing more than to spend their entire day drifting like viruses until they find something petty to jump on and destroy. Like birthday happiness. But what can I say, when you put anything online and on display , you're giving them permission to take swipes at you, it's a given. It just depends on how much scum there is on the underside of the rock that day.

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