Monday, November 21, 2005

First weekend away

I heard that the older you get, the smaller your circle of close friends becomes, but no one told me that I'd have to choose. My circle of close friends was already relatively small to start off with and now it seems that it's about to shrink even further.

I've also heard a whole bunch of things that have surprised me, seen things that I can't stop thinking about for no obvious reason, and found out things about myself that had never occurred to me at all. It's been a weekend of revelations and then some.

It was also Tish's 21st. Weng worked his way through two glasses of malibu punch and danced +shock and awe+ we should definitely try three next time. The poor guy did wake up with a blinding headache but that was the draft, not the alcohol, because people insisted on going in and out at the most absurd times of the night and morning in -2degree weather.

I wasn't sure if Tish drunk enough for his 21st but it was probably in excess by his standards anyway. Tom was quite happily helping himself to Smirnoff after Smirnoff before presenting his amassed bottle caps to Nat upon request (I exaggerate, it was only, what, 4 bottle caps after two beers, Nat?), and Ev and Ade debuted on the big screen with the MTVs we filmed over the last two weeks of summer (100% homemade), bringing back fond memories of late nights and plenty of laughing - good times. The music was good and there was a chocolate fountain. A small one, but it was so much fun.

It was good seeing so many faces again, even if I did arrive with mild trepidation. It's always good seeing so many old friends. I've missed them so much, it's a shame they left so early the next day and so mysteriously too. Ahem, you know who you are.

Fast forward through an afternoon of Mafia, more food, some tired Poker, and an hour's journey back into London. It's Monday again, and it feels like everyone's seen Harry Potter but me. There's a beautiful iceskating rink outside the Natural History Museum that I'm dying to try, and I have an Italian test in three hours.

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