Saturday, November 05, 2005

Too tired to be frustrated

C++ is a terrible, terrible programme. Writing programmes in general means translating an idea into English, then into a programming sort of mindset, and finally into code that doesn't seem to relate to anything.

It sends you on these highs and lows that totally drive you crazy. Every line that's bug-free brings a rush and when the entire programme doesn't do what you want it to, and you realise you have to read through all that code to see exactly what you did wrong, you sink to these miserable lows.

Thank goodness there's Branden, who seems to know everything there is to know about programming and computers.

My cousin's getting married this weekend. It's so wonderful welcoming new people into the family, and Doris is such a sweetheart. I think that leaves me next, kind of. Generation-wise. And on both sides of the family. Mg, what a revelation.

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