Wednesday, November 16, 2005

It's getting to that time of the year

Yes. It's that time of the year again. The time when every day is like every other day.

Well at least to me. =)

Routines are firmly established and you find yourself plodding along to your daily schedule. School days comes and goes and the weekends we look forward to, comes and goes at an even faster rate. Before you know it, you'll be receiving your graduation cert.

Question: Why is it that all good things never seem to last as long as we want it to? lol. Don't even try to answer that if you've got a dull answer. On the contrary if you have an entertaining one, I'll like to hear it =)

Plodding along...

AND it's gotten VERY cold all of a sudden. All in the space of what, 2 weeks? Which brings me to the want to go back to KL, to get some much needed sun (and sports) =) C'mon they're even expecting SNOW in southampton this weekend. Not heavy snow but still... it's only November!

Crazy weather.

But yeah, KL. Just got to wait 4 and a half weeks more and a 3hour check-in and a 12+hour flight and baggage claim and insert as appropriate minus *fingers crossed* a/many doofus(es) that don't show up on time. More on this later.

But hey, I think it's well worth it.

You get to see family, friends, loved ones, familiar surroundings and of course celebrate Christmas! Missed the last one, so I'm really looking forward to going back for the Dec hols. =)

*Reverse plod appx. 2 months*

With regards to the two doofuses (yes, that's the way you spell it), they caused us a half hour delay back in summer when we were leaving KL for UK.

Basically, they didn't show up on the plane at the designated departure time. Our cabin crew informed the passengers of our missing flight buddies, and therefore announced a 15/20min delay because they had to search for their luggage in the cabin hold and throw it out i.e. bomb scare.

But hey what do you know! They turn up 10mins later to the applause of the passengers, their fellow British countrymen. Lol. They were two teenagers by the way, the Malaysians just sat quietly and observed, hehe.

Delays suck.

Yup three paragraphs in two words. My friends say I tell granny stories but it'll put the kids to sleep next time =)

Ok *fast plodding back to the present*

The 'grandpa' of our group turns 21 this saturday! IT"S GONNA BE AWESOME!!! Hopefully. Haha, nah, I'm sure it'll be absolutely great =) A milestone indeed. Tish if you read this before saturday, just want you to know... Be prepared! ;)

You bring out the best in our group. =D

---Plod out---


tish said...

Thanks ah hon :] i think i'm prepared as i can be..altho u monkeys can be quite sneaky.

Ohya btw i've been scouring eBay for ur b'day u should be prepared as wel :D

Anonymous said...

Because the long drabby things are seldom good :P