Friday, April 29, 2005

It's the wee-eekend

May and Shiv finished their finals today, it was so nice to see them smile for the first time this week. The whole house feels a lot more relaxed and just like they needed a break (and a drink) I think the guys who looked after them all week needed it too.

Beautiful weather today (don't I sound British). I actually got to take my skirt and flipflops out for a walk even if it was only down to Sains. This sort of weather really doesn't help the studying one bit.

You should be forewarned that the next three weeks or so will be almost nothing but gripegripegripestudygripegripe and generally griping about studying. You need to be an encyclopedia to comfortably store everything you're supposed to know in this course.

And they still havent dispatched my books. Do they not feel the urgency?

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