Sunday, November 28, 2004

When Someone's on your side

Firstly, but in no order of importance, Liverpool beat Arsenal, and Weng and I have made a pact.

I'll say it again, Liverpool beat Arsenal 2-1, and with an injury-decimated squad too. It must've been a good match and I can't believe I missed it! Oh well, I've always had a foreboding suspicion that whenever I watch any of their games, they're usually shunted off the pitch with their tails between their legs. But they won! and that's all that matters! Yay!

More seriously though, every week we've gone to church, the message has always been unbelievably relevant, as if God's reaching out to us through these sermons. I think it's great, and at the end of today's service, Weng and I made a promise in complete faith, and I actually think it's made our relationship even better. The revival I've been going through since the start of summer has been totally uplifting and completely changed my outlook on life, it's as if my heart's been given wings - I feel so much lighter.

To sum it all up on the work front though, it's Sunday and I'm still no where near the end of my report, but that's okay, I'll deal with it Monday.

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