Sunday, January 30, 2005

It feels like bedtime

I'm so tired, again. Not because of work though, but because I stayed up til 6am talking (and studying). Gosh, that's like two surprises in one sentence. To make it easier to manage, we shall focus on the former:

"I stayed up til 6am"
Mg, I never stay up that late/early. I'm a 1130pm to bed girl and a 0900 wake up kinda person. The 1130 got ditched last night, but the 0900 stuck because of the need to study for exams which start tomorrow. I'm paying dearly for it. Getting out of bed was Herculean. I move like a stop-start black-and-white film. I feel black and white.

I don't think my scraped back, as-tight-as-it-gets pony-tail is there so much as to keep the hair out of my face while I tackle this massive subject list as it is to hold my eyelids open. I didn't bother to put my contacts in because I know my eyeballs would chew them right up. I also know I'm going to have to get my pedantic proof-reader to go over this a couple of times to get all the words straight.

And now the second part:
It felt so good. I must sound like I'm desperately in need of social interaction. That wouldn't be far from it. In truth, I haven't talked to Weng much this week because of all the studying, and it was refreshing to talk to people whose first line isn't "So, you know, about that conceptual design..."

I finally met Amar. That deserves a line of itself. I mean he's the guy that really does seem to know 'everybody'. I don't know why it took so long - he's been over often enough, and everyone else seems to know him: Evan, Junlinn, Young, Hsiang, Tish, Aaron...the list goes on. He talks fast.

I got to know Jac better, even if it was because Darren was playing Chief Interrogator for most of the conversation. It was awesome - to sound like a complete geek. I don't know, when you read someone's blog that makes you think about things other than yourself, you just wanna meet that person. It's more interesting reading about someone you know know. I guess also because it was a wonderfully girly talk, and I miss that, and I don't ever want to talk about swing bridges again or how much torque goes on an axle, unless it's to do with my newest Maserati or something.

Currently listening to: Amar snoring. This guy is incredible - he doesn't ever stop making noise, and it's a peculiar assortment of snores as well, and I've listened to his alarm go off 7 times, every 20 minutes since 11am. That Nokia alarm has me so stressed out - that first beep is enough to have me right out of bed looking for a sledgehammer.

Later I gotta figure out how to print in my Mech Eng department. Two-point-three years on and I still don't know how to print from the computer lab printers. This ought to be good. I'm taking Weng with me to make sure I don't get run over on the way there and back.

1 comment:

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