Thursday, May 05, 2005

In need of a sedative

Ever since my friends (yes, there are some out there) got me an iPod for my birthday, it's on the "never leave home without it" list, with my wallet and towel.

Listening to it on the way to anywhere or when you're doing anything almost makes it feel like you have your very own personal soundtrack. The soundtrack of your life. Mine sounds kinda like a romantic comedy with a couple of cartoons thrown in for variety. High school would've been a bit like Linkin Park meets Evanesence, many dramatics. Now it's more punk rock with Groban somewhere in the mix, only because his voice sends chills up and down my spine - see Ev? It's all in the voice.

The match just now was incredible. Forza Milan indeed, although they were lucky to get that goal. Poor PSV, they had one foot in the door of the final until the dying minutes. I could've cried for them.

The only reason I'm still up at this time is because I took a really shite nap this afternoon that was a real waste of one-and-a-half hours. I could've worked through at least ten learning objectives in that time. I'm at 42, 14 more to go +sigh+.

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