Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Putting some demons to rest

Highschool was a pretty traumatic time for everyone I think, unless you cruised through in a padded suit of steel, I think everyone got hurt at some point. My fiesty personality did nothing to help that case and I got involved in a lot of things I shouldn't have, so here are my apologies

To Young, I'm so sorry for the fights, I really am. I'm also tired of guys getting between us, whether they're acting as the go-between or whether they're the problem in itself. Too many things get misinterpreted when you let someone else do the talking for you.

The only reason I made Sabina cry was because I didn't let her win. I'm sorry for that too, maybe I should've slowed down a little in that final race, maybe highschool would've been a lot more peaceful.

I didn't ever tell Rachel that if she was friends with Regine I wouldn't be friends with her. Hell, when Regine came to GIS, I think my friendship with Rachel was more or less way past its expiry date. We weren't even talking, and at that point I liked Regine more anyway. Then again, this is all from Louis, and we know what happens when guys try to help sort out these kinda things.

I never intentionally flirted with guys in our year to get them to fall for me or break up relationships on purpose. I'm sorry if it happened like that to anybody. The only time I played the field that vigorously was in year 8 and completely directed at older guys. The rest of highschool was taken up by Ming.

And I don't don't like Amanda. In fact I think she's quite nice and I'm glad that her and Ming got together. I'll admit that it took a while for me to let go of the whole thing, but hey, it worked out for the best right? I think they were meant for each other right from the beginning anyway, I made a mistake and butted in.

There, I've said my piece, if anyone else has any more issues they want to put to rest, I'm more than happy to talk about it. I'd appreciate it way more than the snide comments that get shot out from behind pseudonyms.


The Ruud said...

surprise! XD

Anonymous said...

this has got to be your stupidest post yet...dont get me wrong, i dont dislike you. but i would just like to point out that "apologies" are meant to sound sincere..not might as well not have apologized. we are well out of high school and no one cares for yours so called apologies..get over yourself

Ash said...

I think I'll take refuge in the fact that at least I had the balls to come out and apologise.

I don't think you felt the need to remain anonymous because people were going to swamp you celebrity-style for your sheer brilliance, you're just chikn ;p