Monday, May 02, 2005

Opposites attract



Looks before he leaps (most of the time)

Looks and then leaps anyway

Loves a good debate

Would much rather hit whatever's not agreeing

Needs nine hours of sleep and two hours lag time before getting fun or even coherent

From the word go!

Does not, absolutely not ever dance

Dancing all the time.

Good with numbers

Miserably not.

An economist +pah+

Engineeeer +aah+

Reads in syllables, ev-e-ry sin-gle one.

"The End"

Slow on the uptake

Spends much time explaining the joke to Weng

True shopper

Skim shopper (just really really efficient)

Always brings handphone, wallet, and keys, and my handphone, wallet, and keys.

Unweighted by material possessions

Always folds in poker

All in, baby, bring it on

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