Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Midnight oil

This is pretty late for me. You should take seven hours off the post time because I haven't been bothered to change the clock yet. I got hungry because I ate dinner too early because I was really bored.

Rudy, you over explain everything, but that's okay, you're really pedantic, is all. And don't try to talk Cockney anymore okay? You stick to your Malaysian.

Suren, when Rudy talks to me about you, you sound like that pig in Sinfest. You can hit him now.

And I <3 'Zeke!!1!

And Hsiang, don't worry, a lot of us are far from together at this point in time and I constantly flip out at fact that I'm really starting to need a five year plan, but mostly I'm hoping Weng has his five year plan. Hehe. And I flip out a lot anyway. Okay, I'm probably not in the best position to reassure you.

I need to get some solid math-ing done tomorrow and this is so not the way to do it, but that's okay, I'm sure I'll wake up when my entire street does. London is punshing me for calling this place a city of slackers, everyone feels the need to drill, spin their washing machines, hammer, and attempt to park trucks right outside my window at 8.37am, and damn the sun that rises two hours before that!

I'd wear blinkers and ear-plugs if it weren't for the monsters and the fact that they're grossly uncomfortable.

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